For her truly outstanding performance she was chosen to be the presenter at the American Academy
of Periodontology national meeting that was held in Miami, Florida in November of 2011. She is
excited to announce her 2 recent publications in Quitessence Int. 2011 Jan; 42(1): 9-18,
Sequencing ostetomes to overcome challenges presented by deficient bone quantity and quality in
potential implant sites.
Dr. Sofia Petrov is currently an Adjunct Clinical Professor at New Jersey
Dental School.
Member of:
Publications & Presentations
2013 Treatment Planning of Compromised Teeth – Novel Decision Tree Algorithms. Ovaydi-Mandel,
Petrov, Drew. Quintessence International 44(1): 75-84 (2013)
2012 Tarnow Alumni and Friends Innovations in Implant Dentistry Symposium Poster Presentation
"Innovations in Osteotomes" Venice, Italy
2012 MAXI Course Lecturer, NJ Dental School
"Osteotomes revisited: Modifications in the Design and Applications of Osteotomes as Part of
Implant Armamentarium"
2011 - Present clinical Research, NJ Dental School
Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA) Comparisons of Measurements of Primary and Second Implant
Stability- Implant Stability Quotients(ISQ values) of Implants Placed using Osteotomes vs.
Rotary Drilling Techniques
2011 Diabetes Aggravates Periodontitis by Interfering with the Resolution of Inflammation.
Pacios, Kang, Galicia, Gluck, Patel, Ovaydi, Petrov, Li, Alawi, Graves, FACEB Journal
2011 American Academy of Periodontology Annual Meeting in Miami Beach, Fl
Presenter at Innovations in Periodontics Session
"Osteotomes revisited: Modifications in the Design and Applications of Osteotomes as Part of
Implant Armamentarium"
2010 Sequencing osteotomes to overcome challenges presented by deficient bone quantity and
quality in potential implant sites. Petrov SD, Drew HJ, Sun S. Quintessence International 42(1):
9-18 (2011).
2009 Tri-school Metropolitan meeting, "Osteotomes: Overcoming the Challenges"
2009 Northeast Implant Symposium "Osteotomes: Vital to Every Implantologist's Armamentarium"