DMG Dental Modern Group and Specialists


Protecting Your Gum Health Periodontics is a specialized field in dentistry that primarily focuses on periodontal (gum) disease. Periodontal disease can lead to more than just a less attractive smile; it can result in tooth loss and, if left untreated, can contribute to more serious health issues.

While general dentists are trained to identify and treat early-stage periodontal disease, they often refer complex or advanced cases to specialists. Periodontists undergo an additional three years of specialized training in periodontics, specializing in gum disease, oral inflammation, and dental implants. Due to their expertise in the soft tissues of the mouth, they are also well-versed in performing soft-tissue cosmetic procedures, such as crown lengthening or gum lifts.


Periodontic Services & Treatments:

Gum Disease

Also known as gingivitis in its initial stages, results from an excessive presence of harmful bacteria (found in plaque) that attack the soft tissues in your mouth. Early warning signs of this condition include red, swollen, or bleeding gums. If detected early, we can help you reverse the damage. In cases where it's diagnosed at a more advanced stage, there are numerous effective restorative dentistry procedures available to restore your mouth to a healthy and attractive state.

Patients with gum disease often do not experience pain, but they may notice bad breath, changes in how their teeth fit together when biting, or bleeding while brushing or flossing. These symptoms can be subtle and easy to overlook, so it's essential to keep up with your regular dental check-ups. General dentists are vigilant for signs of periodontal disease during routine hygiene exams, but consulting with a periodontist can be beneficial as well.

During an examination, periodontists assess the color of your gums, the presence of gum recession, the presence of gaps between your gums and teeth, and the tendency for your gums to bleed. They also examine your bite and whether any teeth feel loose. Periodontists are skilled at identifying whether a patient is at an elevated risk of developing gum disease.

It's important to note that the risk of gum disease is not limited to your dental health but has been associated with other medical conditions. Individuals with heart disease, diabetes, or who are pregnant are at a higher risk of developing periodontal disease. Patients undergoing treatment for any of these conditions should inform their dentist or periodontist. Furthermore, age, diet, genetics, medications, stress, teeth grinding, and smoking habits also influence your risk.

The good news is that if you are at a higher risk for periodontal disease, there are steps you can take to prevent it. Consistently practicing good oral hygiene at home, including daily flossing, is your best defense against periodontal disease. Additionally, do not skip your semi-annual cleaning appointments. If your dentist or periodontist believes you are still at elevated risk, they might recommend more frequent cleanings or regular deep cleanings.

Deep cleanings, also known as scaling and root planing, are the gold standard for periodontal care. Scaling involves the removal of tartar and plaque from the teeth below the gumline, while root planing aims to smooth those surfaces to make it harder for bacteria to adhere.

Allow us to assist you in maintaining strong, disease-free teeth and gums with regular check-ups and cleanings.