Home Care Instructions
If you encounter any problems or develop any symptoms related to your treatment, please do not
hesitate to contact us. Your well-being and comfort are our top priorities, and we are here to
assist you with any concerns or issues you may have.
Cosmetic Reconstruction Aftercare
Adapting to your new smile following a reconstructive procedure can take some time. Your brain
will gradually acclimate to the new shape and alignment of your teeth over the course of a few
After most procedures, your teeth may be more sensitive to temperature changes, such as hot and
cold. Your gums could also experience some soreness, depending on the nature of the treatment.
Rinsing with warm salt water (a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water) three times a day can
help alleviate pain and reduce swelling. Over-the-counter pain medication is typically
sufficient to manage any discomfort.
You might notice that speaking feels somewhat different from your usual manner. Again, this
adjustment is a result of your brain getting used to the changes brought about by the procedure,
and it will fade quickly.
As always, maintaining good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing and flossing, is
essential for preventing tooth decay. Combined with routine cleaning appointments, these
practices will help ensure the longevity of your treatment and your overall smile.
It's important to be mindful of your diet, as any foods or substances that can harm natural teeth
can also potentially affect implants, crowns, or veneers. It's advisable to avoid hard foods and
objects like hard candies and discontinue any habits that involve chewing on non-food items,
such as pens. Staining can have a similar impact on treated areas as it does on natural teeth,
so it's best to refrain from smoking or consuming excessive amounts of stain-prone beverages
like coffee and wine to maintain the whiteness of your smile.
We are here to support you in living the life you desire while preserving your dental health. If
you are particularly active in contact sports or activities, we are more than happy to provide
you with a custom-fitted mouthguard to safeguard your new smile.
Crown & Bridge Aftercare
The process of getting crowns and bridges typically involves two or three appointments. During
the first visit, the teeth are prepared, and molds of the mouth are taken. Temporary crowns or
bridges are placed to safeguard the teeth while the custom restoration is being crafted.
Following the procedure, you may experience numbness. It's important to avoid consuming extremely
hot or cold foods and drinks, as you may not be able to discern the temperature accurately.
In the unlikely event that a crown comes loose, please contact us right away to schedule an
emergency appointment. We will make every effort to see you promptly and reattach the crown if
it's still available. If possible, store the crown in a secure container to bring with you to
the office.
To maintain your crown, especially if you have a temporary one between appointments, it's
advisable to steer clear of sticky foods. Favoring the side of your mouth that's unaffected by
the crown can also be helpful at this stage. It is essential to continue brushing your teeth
normally, but exercise caution when flossing, and avoid pulling upward on the floss, as this
could dislodge the temporary crown. Instead, pull the floss out from the side of the temporary
It's common to experience some degree of temperature and pressure sensitivity after each
appointment. This sensitivity should gradually subside in a few weeks after the final
restoration is placed. You may also use mild pain medications as directed by our office to
manage any discomfort.
After Tooth Extraction
After tooth extraction, it's important to bite on a gauze pad for 30-45 minutes after the
appointment. This will help a clot form to begin the healing process. You may need to do this a
few times.
After the clot forms, don't disturb or dislodge it. Do not rinse vigorously, suck on straws,
smoke, drink alcohol or brush teeth next to the extraction site for 72 hours. These activities
will dislodge or dissolve the clot & slow the healing process. Limit vigorous exercise for the
next 24 hours as this will increase blood pressure & may cause the site to reopen.
After the tooth is extracted you may feel some pain & experience some swelling. An ice pack or an
unopened bag of frozen food will keep swelling to a minimum. Take pain medications as
prescribed. The swelling usually subsides after two days.
If antibiotics are prescribed, take them for the indicated length of time, even if signs &
symptoms of infection are gone. Drink lots of fluid and eat nutritious soft food on the day of
the extraction. You can eat normally as soon as you are comfortable.
It is important to resume a healthy regular dental routine after 24 hours. This will speed
healing & help keep your mouth fresh & clean.
After a few days you will feel fine and can resume your normal activities. If you have heavy
bleeding, severe pain, continued swelling for two to three days, or a reaction to the
medication, call our office immediately.
After Composite Fillings (White Fillings)
Following the use of anesthetic, it's common for your lips and tongue to remain numb for several
hours after the appointment. During this time, it's advisable to avoid extremely hot or cold
food and drinks since you may not be able to gauge their temperature accurately.
You can chew with your composite fillings as soon as the anesthetic has completely worn off, as
these fillings are fully set when you leave the office.
Injection sites may be sore, and you might experience some pressure sensitivity. Over-the-counter
pain medications are effective in alleviating tenderness. If pressure sensitivity persists
beyond a few days or if you notice increased sensitivity to hot or cold, please get in touch
with our office.
If you sense an uneven bite, persistent pain, or have any other questions or concerns, do not
hesitate to contact our office. We are here to assist you.